Complete Product Engineering
We provide comprehensive design, engineering, and product development services including:
- Overall product concept, specifications and design.
- Schematic design, optimized for low cost manufacturing.
- PCB layout and prototyping.
- Firmware development.
- USB and Microsoft WHQL testing and design validation.
- Liason to proven manufacturers in Asia.
- Host side software development including drivers, installation utilities, and control panels.
- Ongoing support.
We are members of the Cypress CyPros program, and have extensive experience with the full line of Cypress USB and Wireless USB microcontrollers.
Our expertise with Human Interface Device (HID) class USB devices is unparalleled. Our president and founder chaired the HID standards committee when the standard was approved, and the HID 1.0 standard was edited here at LCS/Telegraphics. No matter what you want to do with a HID device, if its possible we can do it.
Our customers realize the benefit of our vast experience with input devices, USB, and low cost design techniques no matter what kind of product they are building. Often our cost reduction strategies can return the entire investment in the engineering work within a few months due to reduced production costs.
Specialized Consulting Services
Drawing on our 25 year history and in depth expertise in input device and USB technology and standards, and our collection of hundreds of input devices we provide an invaluable resource to litigants involved in disputes related to input device technology or related patents. We also apply our expertise in reverse engineering, forensic analysis of software, and software design to situations where complex technical issues are at the core of a dispute.
We also use our expertise to assist companies in avoiding potential patent liability by evaluating IP claims and advising our clients, in coordination with their counsel, on non-infringing design strategies.
Library and Input Device Technology Collection
LCS/Telegraphics maintains a large technical library and collection of input devices, including many early devices from the 1980s. We provide access to the library and collection as a service to our customers.
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